Konduku – Kiran (Remixes)
By Corey Maass
Firstly, please listen to Konduku’s album “Kiran”. The other-worldly place it takes you to is well worth the ticket. The craftsmanship is impeccable, shifting subtly over time. With that said, the remixes strike out in a different direction, often feeling like a single moment of the original stretched out forever. Yes, that was an Office reference (the American version, sorry).
Forest Drive West remix ” Güneş” by simplifying the rhythm and focusing on tonality. It’s the dream of a techno purist. Deep and captivating, it ends in sub dubbed out desert version of the original.
Coincidentally, DB1 remixing “Yeşil Ağaç” feels like the inverse. The glitchy IDM-beats give way to a simple swinging lull while pads expand overhead like a thunderstorm. It’s wonderful how the percussion is tied back in in the middle, ever so softly…
Tammo takes “Kızılırmak” just a little bit harder to where we could dance to it if the drugs aren’t too quick.
Upsammy stays true to the atmospheric dnb feel of “Pembe Alan” while slowly unraveling the exaltation of the original. It sounds the way your face hurts after smiling too much.
And finally, DB1 returns with another remix of “Yeşil Ağaç”. While it could be a continuation of the first one, there’s a slight variation on a more minimal theme and an emphasis on the simple beat that wraps the EP nicely.
Posted on July 16, 2019

Label: Nous'klaer Audio